The bourgeoisie are members of the upper or merchant class, whose status or power comes from employment, education, and wealth. They are distinguished from those whose power comes from being born into an aristocratic family. With that being said we Officially welcome you to an exclusive event that will cater to YOU. Join Street Ball Legends Rafer Alston & Philly's own A.O and members of the 76ers and Houston Rockets as they host first annually NBA vs Street Ball Affair @ the all new ** Pearl Lounge** located in 19th & Chestnut in RittenHouse area Philadelphia Center City This month we will i like to continue our NBA Cares Program by holding our annual coat drive. At his coat drive we will encourage people to donate gently used or new child or adult coats in exchange for complimentary access to the event. Last year we were able to donate 107 coats to charity, this year we are shooting for 150+coats
GET THERE EARLY DOORS OPEN @ 9:30pm & **PEARL LOUNGE** LOCATED IN 19th & Chestnut St Rittenhouse Area 21 UP PROPER ID REQUIRED There is a STRICT DRESSCODE Sexy & Chic Only.Button up/ Collared Shirts Mandatory.No White Tee. Hats or construction boots.** No exceptions ** Comp Entry at Doorman’s Discretion SIMPLY** DRESS LIKE YOU WANT TO BE PHOTGRAPHED OR U WILL NOT GET IN
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