(Chapter 1) “Puff charged the artists for his appearance on their records and videos, usually without [them] realizing it until they receive their royalty statements. That’s when they discovered that their large sums of money had gone to fees which were doubled, tripled and even quadrupled because of Puff’s ’special appearances”. For example, he would charge artists for having his Bentley in their videos-which he insisted upon- then took tax credit for business use of a car.”
(PAGE 79) Despite amazing record sales Mark Curry claims that Biggie resorted to selling dope and homemade duplicates of his cd from the trunk of his car just to earn spending money
(Page 94) Jimmy Henchmen told Tupac “why you blaming Puffy and Biggie. Them n*ggas aint got nuthin to do with this shooting. Nobody came to rob you. They came to discipline you and that’s what happened”
be on the look out!!!
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